To delete your account, you first need to log in. Check out our login guide if you experience any issues with this!
Once you are logged in, follow the steps below to delete the account:
Go to "Settings"
Click on the "Removal of account" tab
Enter your current password in the field and click "Send link for deletion of account". An email will be sent to the email address registered with the account
Click on the deletion link in the email (it is valid for 2 hours)
When you click the link, you will be redirected to an information page
Click the "Delete account" button
If you do not have access to the account you want to delete, you can submit a written deletion request to support. We need the following information from you:
Phone number
Date of birth (year-month-day)
Once we receive this information, we will delete the account and notify you when it is done 😊
When the account is deleted, neither you nor we can recover any of the information that was on the account. If you find a job later that requires an account to apply, you will need to register a new account.
Please note that deleting the account does not mean that submitted applications stored with the employer are deleted. These will remain and be deleted according to the employer's data retention policies, usually 24-36 months after the recruitment process ends. You need to contact the employer directly if you want to delete your application from their database.