There can be various reasons why you cannot log in to your account.
You may have chosen to log in through your Google or Facebook account instead of logging in with a username/email and password
You might need to reset your password
The account might no longer exist, as accounts that have been inactive for 2 years are automatically deleted in accordance with GDPR. If this has happened, the account cannot be restored, and you will need to create a new one
Password and username reset
Even the best of us can forget a password! To reset it and choose a new one, follow these steps:
Just below the login box, where you log in to access your account, there are two clickable links: "Forgot username" and "Forgot password"
Start by checking the "Candidate" box.
If you click on "Forgot username" and enter your email address, you will receive an email confirming whether an account is linked to it or not.
If you click on "Forgot password," you will be taken to a box where you enter the email address linked to your account.
An email will then be sent to your email address, containing a link to reset your password
If the link cannot be clicked, copy it and paste it into a web browser
When you click on the link, you will be taken to a page where you can enter a completely new password.
Please note that the password must consist of at least seven characters and three of these four character groups:
Lowercase letters (abcd...)
Uppercase letters (ABCD...)
Numbers (1234...)
Special characters (!?%&...)
Error message when resetting password
If you receive an error message in the box where you enter your email about an invalid email, it is because there is a space before or after the email address when it was typed/pasted in.
I am not receiving any emails
If you are not receiving these emails, it may be because the email has landed in the spam folder instead of the inbox, or it has been caught in a SPAM filter or similar.
Therefore, always check your spam folder and ensure that you do not have a block against our emails. You can also add our senders ([email protected] if you use Talent Hire or [email protected] if you use Visma Recruit) as a safe sender.
If you are unsure how to do this or what your settings are, you can contact support for your email provider and ask for help reviewing your settings.